Wesley Fellows Intern Program

The “Wesley Fellows” program will hire (up to) 4 Penn State undergraduate students to explore their vocation with relationship to an area of service and ministry. Areas of service can include: mission and justice, spiritual formation, coffeehouse administration/hospitality management, volunteer management, coffeehouse events, and/or food insecurity. 

The internships include a $1000 stipend/semester and are under the direction of the Director of Campus Ministry. 

The following internship experiences are available in 2024-2025 :

  • Abba Java Coffeehouse (volunteer management, events, training)

  • Spiritual Formation (plan/promote studies and conversation topics, spiritual formation activities, serve on Wesley Foundation board)

  • Community Service (organize & promote service events, oversee Wesley's Closet:  a student and community coat closet)

  • Abba Java/Wesley Social Media

  • Abba Java Food Rescue Partnerships (contact person for food deliveries, liaise with other food rescue organizations, AJ garden, facilitate student meal opportunities)   

General Qualifications

  • A student who supports the mission of St. Paul's UMC, Wesley PSU, and Abba Java Coffeehouse

  • A current undergrad Penn State Student who has completed at least one school year by Fall 2024

  • Strong organizational & communication skills

  • Ability to think creatively!

  • Comfortable working with a diverse group of peers and community members

  • Able to work approximately 3-5 hours a week, flexible hours

  • Ability to complete St Paul's UMC Safe Sanctuary training and background clearances before beginning work

    Other General Internship Experiences and Expectations:

  • Willing to work for the betterment of the Abba Java/Wesley community, actively engage with the mission of Abba Java and Wesley Foundation to "feed, know, love, and welcome students"

  • Engage monthly with a mentor from St. Paul's UMC congregation

  • Be willing to engage in regular reflection on your own personal vocational journey

  • Attend Bi-Monthly Intern Meetings

  • Attend 1 retreat per semester

I love this program. I am so excited to have this as part of my life. I love my AJ family and my multitude of mentors I can lean on.

Marissa Lewis, Abba Java Intern 2023-24

“This program has offered me various opportunities for education and meaningful moments.”

Anna Penird, Wesley Foundation Intern, 2023-24

“Our intern retreat helped to provide clarity as we asked questions: “what”, “why”, and “how” for our rule of life. These times of reflection helped me to discern what I truly wanted.”

Rebekah Lundy, Abba Java Intern 2022-23



